Another tarmac driveway makeover, explained in few simple steps.
This was the final project of 2020. and what a better way to end this year, than with another high quality driveway finish and a happy customer!
Breaking and digging out the concrete first took place, followed with installing of a new hardcore base. Wacker plate was used to run over the new base to compact all the rocks solid. Silver granite setts 100×200 split finish were set for the borders to give it an attractive finish. On the left side of the driveway, a flowerbed area was left to contribute a breaking effect to design, and the double silver granite steps with square finish were installed at the front doors of the house, to finish the granite look the rest of the driveway. All the granite setts and granite slabs were pointed with strong mortar mix of sand and cement to ensure no unwanted weeds will be peaking through the joints, and also for long lasting effect. Last and final stage was to install high quality SMA asphalt and compact it well to complete the asphalt driveway project.
For more similar results, visit our asphalt and tarmac gallery.
Give us a call now for your free no obligation quotation if you are interested to upgrade your existing driveway with the tarmac driveway on 0852175888. You can also reach us by email at or via Whatsapp.